Vorschaubild des Elementes mit der Inventarnummer B 3538,2

Ann Hogarth und Jan Bussell: Fanfare for puppets! A personal and idiosyncratic view of the puppet theatre, Newton Abbot, Devon 1985.

Hogarth, Ann (1910-1993) - Autor Bussell, Jan (1909-1985) - Autor David & Charles Publishers Ltd (1960-) - Verlag
24,1 x 16,5 x 1,9 cm, 152 Seiten
B 3538,2
Signatur, Bezeichnung, Inschriften
Fanfare for puppets! A personal and idiosyncratic view of the puppet theatre by Ann Hogarth, with technical sections by Jan Bussell, Newton Abbot, Devon, London, North Pomfret (Vt) 1985.
Colour photography by Tony Griffiths, Photography 2000.
Phototypeset by ABM Typographics Ltds, Hull, and printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner Ltd, Frome, for David & Charles (Publishers) Limited, Brunel House, Newton Abbot, Devon. Publsihed in the United States of America by David & Charles Unc, North Pomfret, Vermont 05053 USA.
Ann Hogarth und Jan Bussell: Fanfare for puppets! A personal and idiosyncratic view of the puppet theatre, Newton Abbot, Devon 1985.
Puppentheatersammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
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