Vorschaubild des Elementes mit der Inventarnummer B 3529,2
23,7 x 16,1 x 1,7 cm, X, 194 S.
B 3529,2
James Fisher: The puppetry yearbook. Volume Two, Lewiston 1996.

Nancy L. Staub: Music in Movement: The Colloboration of Julie Taymor and Elliot Goldenthal, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 165-174.

James Fisher: "Gentlemen, The Marionette!": Edward Gordon Craig, Floyd Dell, and the Über-marionette, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 29-54.

Nancy L. Staub: Ancient Greek Theater, Noh, Bunraku, and Craig, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 21-27.

Freek Neirynck: Marionnettes et Acteurs, des collègues faits pour s'entendre, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 175-183.

Michael Schuster: Histories of Gombeyatta: South Indian String Puppets, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 55-76.

Bill Stout: Satori In a Garbage Can, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 185-189.

Nathan Kumar Scott: Serious Humor: The Ritual Clowns of Indian and Indonesian Puppetry, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 101-116.

Freddy Artiles: A Brief Panorama on Cuban Puppetry, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 117-125.

Robert S. Petersen: The Perception of "Puppetness" in Legacy of Modernism, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 1-20.

John Phillips: The Origin and Progress of W. J. Bullock's Royal Marionettes, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 143-163.

Michael Schuster: Visual Theater in South India: Gombeyatta - Puppet Traditions, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 77-99.

Martha Feehan: The Glove Puppet Theater of Punch and Judy, in: The Puppetry Yearbook, 2 (1996), S. 127-141.
Puppentheatersammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
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